Distance Learning Packet

Posted March 25, 2020

Port St. Joe High School

Covid-19 Closure Distance Learning Packet


Student Learning Packets will be available by grade, for pick up, beginning Monday, March 30th at the front of the high school.  Each packet will contain 4 weeks of lessons for your student’s CORE (ELA/Math/Science/History) subjects.  There are 3 lessons for each weekPackets should be returned at the end of the fourth week (April 24th) and a new 4 week packet can be picked up at that time. Each student is expected to complete each assignment and return the completed packet in order to receive full credit.

Packet Pick-Up Times

Monday, March 30th:   11:00-3:00 PM ET

Tuesday, March 31st:   11:00-3:00 PM ET

Wednesday, April 1st:    11:00-3:00 PM ET

Each student or parent will be contacted by the student’s second period teacher on a weekly basis.  The second period teacher will act as an advisor to the student throughout the school closure.  It is imperative that we have an accurate student/parent contact number in order for us to make these contacts.  Please notify the school if your number needs to be updated, or if you are uncertain if we have your most current contact information.  All teachers/front office staff will be available during normal office hours.

The packets are compiled of all information necessary to complete the lessons, or made up of material already covered.  In the event that he/she needs assistance, the second period teacher can assist with getting the help needed.  Please reach out to him/her for instructional assistance, questions regarding scholarships, guidance needs, etc.

School lunches are being delivered at bus stop pick-ups, Monday-Friday, 5 hours after regular bus pick-up times (ex: 7:00 bus pick-up/12:00 lunch drop-off).  Lunches are also available at Port St. Joe Elementary from 11:30-1:00 PM ET.

While the timeline for school closures remains undetermined, we will keep our students and staff abreast of any and ALL updates via, Facebook, callouts, and our school web page (psjhs.com). Please check these regularly. Special events such as Prom and Graduation are yet to be determined.  Please stay tunedJ.